FTW/OFTAW Golden Nectar
Maddie is were my passion for cockers started. From a very early age she showed great potential in the shooting field but as also the best companion anyone could wish for. After a few seasons accompanying me in the beating line I decided to compete in field trials. We experienced success early on and that was me hooked.
Tarncrags Golden Glory
Home bred out of my foundation bitch Maddie
Confident, yet very honest temperament. Cash is an invaluable member of the picking up team and my 'go to' dog. He is extremely versatile, I can go beating one day then have him sit patiently at my side picking up the next.

FTW/OFTAW Whaupley Lancaster of
Tarncrag (Luke)
One of my primary stud dogs at present, a happy go lucky lad, with a positive outlook on life. Another one of my versatile dogs, Luke could one day be picking up on a large shoot then trialling the next.
FTW/OFTAW Tarncrag Dreamchaser
Another of the team which has been bred from my foundation bitch Maddie. Fun loving, confident and highly driven. Winning her first field trial, she then went on the gain a remarkable 4th in her first field trial open, both in the same season. During the shooting season, she accompanies me picking up with an astounding eye, she never misses a fallen bird.

FTAW Tarncrag Dreamster
Litter sister to Evie, Ziggie has to be my most honest dog in the kennel. Sweet natured and loyal, shes always wanting to please. She has gained awards in every field trial she has competed in. Great little bitch to spend a days shooting over, and requires little input from me. Another stable member of my picking up team.

FTAW Crimson Promise
One of my originals, she has been by my side since 2011. Nellie has a playful and sweet character
She has been in two field trials, achieving a certificate of merit in her first trial. Another versatile pack member, brilliant at both beating and picking up. She is always waiting to jump in the truck on the shoot days.

FTCH Rowston Sublime of Tarncrag
A cheerful Cocker with bounds of energy, she likes to live life at 100mph. With a soft yet tenacious attitude, and a huge amount of natural ability, Josie is the first of the Tarncrag pack to achieve the Field Trial Champion title. I'm very proud of us achieving this together.

FTW/OFTW Heathcroft Flyn of Tarncrag
Logo is the clown around the kennels and my constant shadow. But when it comes to work, he is a very reliable hunting partner. He excels on wild game such as rabbits and requires very limited handling.

FTCH Tarncrags Razzamataz
Taz is a very playful character in and about the kennels, and any chance of a belly rub. he'll be there. He is your best mate and would happily be with you all day every day.
He is a very natural dog in all aspects. He's already achieved great success in his first season of his trialling career.
Additionally, he's proving to produce quality offspring as a popular stud dog.

Tarncrags Wee Belter
Daughter of Taz and Evie, Elsie has been very easy to train from day one! She just wants to please, yet has a cheeky streak in her. She worked the full 2023/24 season from the age of 15months and has been a very level headed part of the team.

Tarncrags Sunshine Queen
Jennie is Elsie's full sister and is turning into a very effective hunting dog. I have purposely kept her back from too many days in the shooting field with the hopes she makes it to the trialling field like her mother and father. So far, she is showing great potential as a hard hunting yet honest dog.
Tarncrags Galway Girl
Binkie is a daughter of Ziggie and Joss. She is a happy go lucky little dog and always up to mischief. She has a very cheeky way about her, but always keen to learn and please. She has a very loving temperament.

FTW Tarncrags Tumble
Stitch is a daughter of FTCH Rowston Sublime of Tarncrag. She is a very talented hunting bitch and a natural dog. I hope she will eventually compete is trials and have success like her brother Razzamataz. She is a very sweet natured dog, always keen to work with me and constantly likes a lot of affection.
Afinmore Aretha Franklin
Noomie is a special little dog as she is the daughter of Cash. She has a very kind nature and has proven very easy to train. She is keen to work with me and loves to just be involved, be it beating/picking up or fell walks. She has a very quiet, yet cheeky personality.

Jofless Ava
A very competent bitch for such a young age. Completed her first picking up season at the age of 18months on a large commercial shoot. She takes everything in her stride and enjoys what she does.

Tarncrags Jenny
Emma is a daughter of Ava. She has excelled in her first season of picking up, proving to be a valuable member of the team. She has a kind, non-assuming nature, and is a very easy dog to have around every day..